Saturday, November 10, 2007


A group of team by imposing pullover and masker at the same time bring in hand the paint spray on-hand put into effect to trace to take the air in the middle of metropolis . A few moments they have time to keep silence below/under fly over, with the meaningful view stare at the the matt and empty walls. One second later;then their hand start to spray the the wall with the paint spray. Nobody being the wiser what they create that moment, until its keesokan morning all consumer walke to start the terheran-heran with the masterpiece of all the bomber. And this masterpiece is we know as “ graffiti”.


Graffiti now start to enter a period of/to [his/its] golden, besides in Indonesia [by] xself, [in] America or precisely [in] Brooklyn Museum [is] often performed [a] [by] exhibition graffiti which [is] nowadays referred [as] also as contemporary art. Various professional bomber like Crash, Lee, Daze, Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat become the warrior in art graffiti. About 22 bomber follow to participate in this exhibition. Other;Dissimilar [in] other;dissimilar America also [in] Australian. State which is one this even make graffiti as public race which always own the very competitor amount a lot of.


stream Or style in graffiti of quite a lot, but “ tag” representing one of base which must be owned by all bomber. Tag represent the style in writing or making pictures or article so that draw, usually all bomber own the individuality of each at the tag-nya. Besides tag there is also the so-called throw-up or referred as by ordinary of fill-in, this is a technique draw by leaps and by bounds by using two tricolour till, whereabout speed become the especial target in style which is one this.

is Most exclaim in graffiti is what in mentioning by wildstyle. This style is mention whereabout a bomber can [do/conduct] any kind of, that goodness from facet of desain nor colour election, and most extreme masterpiece become the something that most interesting here. All bomber even also is yielding each other masterpiece which sometimes make the somebody have to pay attention to carefully intend and meaning of their masterpiece is the.


Former Graffiti is assumed by like cloister merchant which only can destroy the beauty of / view city(VANDALISM)....but in the present day ,, graffiti have been considered to be by ART...

Wall alongside Walke the Tamblong which from the beginning turn white the cleanness, nowadays a few/little chromatic. Nowadays, besides fulfilled by " flyers" and poster patched promiscuously, ignorant streak made with the paint spray, also start to fulfill the the wall. Make the last people who eye of grass, will nope will like magic to see or merely lyric. He/She said sih, that is graffiti, streak made to express freedom.

Graffiti coming from Greek " graphein" ( writing down), interpreted by as streak of at wall or surface in common/ public place, or personal place. The streak, its for can in the form of art, draw, or only in the form of words. Graffiti which is a lot of bertebaran in public road of town Bandung, still limited to words streak representing gang identity or oppositely;also only in the form of name. " That still can be categorized by as art, although possible at levelnya differ, yes," express the Roy, a perpetrator graffiti which youth have time to meet when making one graffiti in a distro [in] number Walke the Burangrang, Friday ( 9 / 12).

Use paint the douche to make a graffiti, have started recognized in New York, year-end 60-an. First streak with the paint spray, done/conducted at a cart subway. A so called of Taki which live in 183rd Street Washington Heights, always write down its name, don't know that in cart subway, or in exterior and in bus. Taki183, gitu of article sound which he make to use the spidol. This Taki like wishing nunjukkin of x'self identity. 183 which he write after its name, its nunjukkin residence.

its Gara-gara Streak, people of[is totality town become to recognize by Taki, pass the its[his] mysterious streak. In year 1971, this mister Taki is diinterview by a magazine of derivative of New York. From situlah, popular of Taki followed by children of entire/all New York. This Children is interested by because popular can be obtained only write down their identity -- is referred as also tagging-- at bus or cart which melewati city wide. More and more name or identity of a child, beyond question he will be popular progressively.

After spidol, later media commonly use is douche paint, weared for the nge-bomb of ( word used to denote spray the) cart exterior. Because more and more his/its is people who make the tagging, nope surprise if each;every writers, pengen have the style by xself. From there, they nambahin colour which eyecatching, special effect, even they try to write down its name is bigger. Constructively paint the douche, this workmanship graffiti is more cepet all right.

Hence itshis, to anticipate the tagging which start epidemic, side the local police prohibit the sale paint the douche of at underage children. Saking to the number of perpetrator graffiti, in Mexico is even also gone into effect by a similar order. Even, each;every buyer paint the douche have to show the clear identity and figure in the reason to what end paint that douche is used

" Make graffiti in that public space like having prestige by xself. Others adrenalin will be raced, is for fear of pursued by police or mobster," recall the Roy, what have ke-gap of is of equal mobster snugly make graffiti in public space. Yup. Always public space becoming target of all this public road actor for the berkreasi of. " Some people there is which nganggep graffiti as swan song, but nope a few/little also which spell out members if that streak oppositely;also ngerusak," word Radi, a artistic student paint the Faculty of Fine Arts and Desain ( FSRD) ITB

If this graffiti is done/conducted by without permit of place owner, this deed can be categorized by as action vandal. Possible a lot of among Youth which not yet what tau is meaning vandalisme. Vandalisme can be interpreted by as damage action of properti others. It Means, graffiti or magpie done/conducted by without permit in common/ public place, can be categorized by as vandalisme. Whereas, many people having a notion, if graffiti in road;street wall, still better than the wall dirty, do not terawat, and full of patching of flyers or brochure which is important nope

If Youth pass the Road;Street Siliwangi, eye felt fresher because ngeliat magpie alongside road;street wall, sure agree if such a swan song non inclusive of deed vandal. " Iyalah. Its Problem is magpie in that Siliwangi is legal of kok. Unrightious of Local government, about two last year, have that ngasih project make the us," word Yogie, what bareng Radi, become the the konseptor magpie making.

Magpie meaning painting of at wide surface, is it is true felt by more is legal compared to by graffiti which wild impressing. " The difference sih, possible only at its media is aja yes. If graffiti of a lot of pake paint the douche, whereas magpie make paint the wall. If nyeni or nope ithim yes, depended hard. Nope there is special parameter," continue Yogie.

Tone by Yogie, Roy even also spell out members if nicely or that bad relative. " sih, if will spell out members nicely or bad. Fill its articles, is possible spelled out members bad but oppositely;also keinget non-stoped by is of equal which read. But graffiti in my film Alexandria spell out members the bad, whereas others possible spell out members that nicely," explicitly Roy of is beside giving a lead.

or nope its his a masterpiece in public road, for Roy which also this grad FSRD, remain to be assessed by as a masterpiece. " In Jogja, legal graffiti magpie and oppositely;also. local government permi, even provide the farm to all street art have masterpiece. For a while in Bandung, not yet there is legal like that. its Story difference if lu have the money," he/she said a few/little igneous.

Displace as action vandal, graffiti, magpie, tagging, etcetera is represent the freedom have expression. But, freedom have expression to in this time still be predominated by clan have money, capable to buy the place to spill its creativity. For a while all public road actor, must stealth or oppositely;also compete one each others to chase one each others unrightiously is aparat just to creation. " Actor which clearly make masterpiece in privat place aja have time to be burned by police, and surely street art which have masterpiece to in public space," continue Roy.

Each;Every actor have the style of each to express its masterpiece. Hence its his, by dozens actor which oppositely;also " competing" to be able to create the good masterpiece in place more wide, for example, or to reach for popular. Besides rival, there is also process the study which is is alighted from by a actor pertained by a senior class to its junior person. " is new learn usually become the kenek first. Kerjaannya still limited to ngewarnain, or easy bantuin. As senior as, what make sketch in paper and in wall," say Roy.

Process to make the graffiti or magpie more or less is of equal. First, sketch made at paper, last later;then the sketch carried over by a wall. " easier of sih, the sketch udah " ditembakkin" pake projector, become nope require to make sketch in wall. But, yes, its prestige possible more descend if assisted by pake projector," word Roy again

Nope a few/little money which to make one graffiti or magpie. " To make picture in fairish wall of medium, can used up about twenty can paint the douche. For a while this ( garage distro which is being made by graffiti-red) abis 40an can," clear of Roy.

darling of Banget kan of if only useed up paint the douche for the article of which nope there is its meaning, or oppositely;also make the bell one who hard. Radi And Yogie even also have the similar opinion. " If will make the graffiti or magpie, all mending is which edun, than only article or picture which teu kaharti."he say.

Graffiti until when even also possible will become controversy. In one party will spell out members if that graffiti is deed vandal, but other party interpret the art, freedom have expression. Other;Dissimilar the things of in Yogyakarta, what is each;every free actor have masterpiece, governmental unrightious even also nope busy need of ngejar-ngejar actor which bandel. Masterpiece which nope make the eye pain, more ill will, of course will diapresiasi better by society. freedom have Expression to might possibly be weakened, but nope can be discontinued.*


At its growth, grafiti of around year 70-an in America and Europe finally merambah to region urban as group spirit which mushroom in urban. Because its image is which less nicely, grafiti telanjur become the bogey for town security. Its reason is because assumed by a provocation fight to usher the group or gangway. Besides done/conducted in empty wall, grafiti even also is often made in subway wall

In United States by xself, each;every state of part of have owned the regulation by xself to weaken the grafiti. San Ego, California, New York have owned the [code/law] contending that grafiti is activity ilegal. To identify the its making pattern, grafiti is even also divided to become two type.

That is functioning grafiti as identifying power area pass the article of gangway name, merger gangway, all gangway member, or article whereof that happened in that gangway.

That is type graffiti which is often weared for the popularity of somebody or group. More and more graffiti of this type of bertebaran, hence more and more famous of its maker name. In consequence grafiti of this type of needing tagging or signature from maker or bomber. A kind of masterpiece responsibility.

Modern Graffiti

Modern graffiti is often seen as having become intertwined with Hip-Hop culture as one of the four main elements of the culture (along with the Master of ceremony, the disc jockey, and break dancing), through Hollywood movies such as Wild Style. However, modern (twentieth century) graffiti predates hip hop by almost a decade and has its own culture, complete with its own unique style and slang.

Another example, Montreal, Canada

For example, one of the most popular graffitos of the 1970s was the legend "Dick Nixon Before He Dicks You," reflecting the hostility of the youth culture to that U.S. president. The belief that the two are related arises from the fact that some graffiti artists enjoyed the other three aspects of hip-hop, and that it was mainly practiced in areas where the other three elements of hip-hop were evolving as art forms. Graffiti is known to be the visual expression of the rap music of the decade, where breakdancing is the physical expression. In addition, graffiti has been made synonymous with the anti-establishment punk rock movement of the 1970s, with such bands as Black Flag and Crass stenciling to gain notoriety, thus bringing it into punk culture.

Graffiti artists sometimes choose nicknames for them as an artist. These names are chosen for one of many reasons. Artists want tags to be quick to write so they are often from 3 to 5 characters in length. The name is chosen to reflect personal qualities and characteristics, or because of the way the word sounds, and/or for the way it looks once written. The letters in a word can make doing pieces very difficult if the shapes of the letters don't sit next to each other in a visually pleasing way. Some Graffiti artists select their names that are plays on common expressions, such as 2Shae, Page3, 2Cold, In1 and other such names.

Names also can represent a word with an irregular spelling; for example, "Train" could be Trane or Trayne and "Envy" could be Envie or Envee. Names can also contain subtle and often cryptic messages, or, in some cases, the artist's initials or other letters. As well as the graffiti name, some artists include the year that they completed that tag next to the name. bomber Tox, from London, seldom writes just Tox; it is usually Tox03, Tox04, etc. In some cases, artists dedicate or create tags or graffiti in memory of a deceased friend – for example, "DIVA Peekrevs R.I.P. JTL '99." The Borf Brigade's arrested member, John Tsombikos, claimed the "BORF" tag campaign, which gained recognition for its prevalence in DC, was in memory of his deceased friend.

Initial groundwork for graffiti began around the late 1960s. Around this time, graffiti was mainly a form of expression by political activists. It was considered a cheap and easy way to make a statement, with minimal risk to the artist, the artist often times a hippie. As the foundations of graffiti began, gang graffiti also began to arise, used largely by gangs to mark territory. Some gangs that made use of graffiti during this era included the Savage Skulls, La Familia, and Savage Nomads.

Towards the end of the 1960s the modern culture began to form in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The two graffiti artists considered to be responsible for the first true bombing are "Cool Earl" and "Cornbread".[8] They gained much attention from the Philadelphia press and the community itself by leaving their tags written everywhere. Around 1970-71, the centre of graffiti innovation moved from Philadelphia to New York City. Once the initial foundation was laid (occurred around 1966 - 1971), graffiti "pioneers" began inventing newer and more creative ways to write


Historically, the term graffiti referred to the inscriptions, figure drawings, etc., found on the walls of ancient sepulchers or ruins, as in the Catacombs of Rome or at Pompeii. Usage of the word has evolved to include any graphics applied to surfaces in a manner that constitutes vandalism.

The only known source of the Safaitic language, a form of proto-Arabic, is from graffiti: inscriptions scratched on to the surface of rocks and boulders in the predominantly basalt desert of southern Syria, eastern Jordan and northern Saudi Arabia. Safaitic dates from the 1st century B.C. to the 4th century A.D..

The first known example of "modern style" graffiti survives in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus (in modern-day Turkey). Local guides say it is an advertisement for prostitution. Located near a mosaic and stone walkway, the graffiti shows a handprint that vaguely resembles a heart, along with a footprint and a number. This is believed to indicate that a brothel was nearby, with the handprint symbolizing payment. [2]

Ancient Pompeii graffito caricature of a politician.

The Romans carved graffiti on walls and monuments, with examples surviving in Egypt. The eruption of Vesuvius preserved graffiti in Pompeii, including Latin curses, magic spells, declarations of love, alphabets, political slogans and famous literary quotes, providing insight into ancient Roman street life. One inscription gives the address of a woman named Novellia Primigenia of Nuceria, a prostitute, apparently of great beauty, whose services were much in demand. Another shows a phallus accompanied by the text, mansueta tene: "Handle with care".

Disappointed love also found its way onto walls in antiquity:
Quisquis amat. veniat. Veneri volo frangere costas
fustibus et lumbos debilitare deae.
Si potest illa mihi tenerum pertundere pectus
quit ego non possim caput illae frangere fuste?
Whoever loves, go to hell. I want to break Venus's ribs
with a club and deform her hips.
If she can break my tender heart
why can't I hit her over the head?
-CIL IV, 1284.

Errors in spelling and grammar in this graffiti offer insight into the degree of literacy in Roman times and provide clues on the pronunciation of spoken Latin. Examples are CIL IV, 7838: Vettium Firmum / aed[ilem] quactiliar[ii] [sic] rog[ant]. Here, "qu" is pronounced "co." The 83 pieces of graffiti found at CIL IV, 4706-85 are evidence of the ability to read and write at levels of society where literacy might not be expected. The graffiti appear on a peristyle which was being remodeled at the time of the eruption of Vesuvius by the architect Crescens. The graffiti was left by both the foreman and his workers. The brothel at CIL VII, 12, 18-20 contains over 120 pieces of graffiti, some of which were the work of the prostitutes and their clients. The gladiatorial academy at CIL IV, 4397 was scrawled with graffiti left by the gladiator Celadus Crescens (Suspirium puellarum Celadus thraex: "Celadus the Thracian makes the girls sigh.")

It was not only the Greeks and Romans that produced graffiti: the Mayan site of Tikal in Guatemala also contains ancient examples. Viking graffiti survive in Rome and at Newgrange Mound in Ireland, and a Varangian scratched his name (Halvdan) in runes on a banister in the Hagia Sophia at Constantinople.

Graffiti, known as Tacherons, were frequently scratched on the walls of Romanesque churches.[3]

When Renaissance artists such as Pinturicchio, Raphael, Michelangelo, Ghirlandaio or Filippino Lippi descended into the ruins of Nero's Domus Aurea, they carved or painted their names[4][5] and returned with the grottesche style of decoration. There are also examples of graffiti occurring in American history, such as Signature Rock, a national landmark along the Oregon Trail.

Later, French soldiers carved their names on monuments during the Napoleonic campaign of Egypt in the 1790s.[6] Lord Byron's graffito of his own name survives on one of the columns of the Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion in Attica, Greece.[7] There is also evidence of Chinese graffiti on the great wall of China.

Art forms like frescoes and murals involve leaving images and writing on wall surfaces. Like the prehistoric wall paintings created by cave dwellers, they do not comprise graffiti, as the artists generally produce them with the explicit permission (and usually support) of the owner or occupier of the walls


IT WAS a proud moment for KDU College Penang when its team won second place at the Hip-Hop Graffiti Competition held at Gurney Plaza in Penang recently.
KDU College Penang students at the Hip-Hop Graffiti Competition.

More than 30 students from various colleges took part in the competition sponsored by Gurney Plaza.

KDU College Penang sent five teams. Uchi Khor, a second year Interior Design student and Teoh Lee Chen, a second year Digital Art and Design student, won honours for the college.

The participants were required to show their creativity using letters drawn with markers as well as cryptic and colourful spray paint.

The designs reflected the students’ interest in energy conservation activities and their concern about real world problems.

Uchi Khor said: “Society should use graffiti as it is a powerful medium for artistic expression which deepens peoples’ understanding of the world around them.”

“The competition enabled us to be creative and was also compelling and inspiring. Graffiti is a reflection of the unique and multi-faceted communications medium,” said Teoh Lee Chen.

The college's Design Institute head Tan Cheng Keat said: “This was an excellent opportunity for the students to showcase their artwork.”


A arts, cultural and activities venue for Singapore’s youth located at the heart of Orchard Road – received a facelift earlier today. This morning saw the unveiling of a 3 storey (12m x 42m) mural titled “evo*scape”. It was a rather laid back event, with cheerleaders kickstarting, oops, we mean kicking start the unveiling.

Guest-of-honour, Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Mr. Teo Ser Luck spearheaded the unveiling of the mural this morning. Mr. Teo tried his hand at graffiti by personally spraypainting two shuttlecocks onto the mural.
The mural is the proud product of 20 artistes who are part of Hothoused, a *scape visual arts collective where 20 graffiti and visual artistes are housed onsite to lend their diverse talents to social discourse. This is their way of showing support for Singapore’s bid to host the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in 2010.The 20 graffiti artistes hail from different backgrounds which include graffiti art, film, photography, illustration and sculpting.


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Graffiti Indonesia made by My Friendster | My e-mail | My School