Saturday, November 10, 2007


Former Graffiti is assumed by like cloister merchant which only can destroy the beauty of / view city(VANDALISM)....but in the present day ,, graffiti have been considered to be by ART...

Wall alongside Walke the Tamblong which from the beginning turn white the cleanness, nowadays a few/little chromatic. Nowadays, besides fulfilled by " flyers" and poster patched promiscuously, ignorant streak made with the paint spray, also start to fulfill the the wall. Make the last people who eye of grass, will nope will like magic to see or merely lyric. He/She said sih, that is graffiti, streak made to express freedom.

Graffiti coming from Greek " graphein" ( writing down), interpreted by as streak of at wall or surface in common/ public place, or personal place. The streak, its for can in the form of art, draw, or only in the form of words. Graffiti which is a lot of bertebaran in public road of town Bandung, still limited to words streak representing gang identity or oppositely;also only in the form of name. " That still can be categorized by as art, although possible at levelnya differ, yes," express the Roy, a perpetrator graffiti which youth have time to meet when making one graffiti in a distro [in] number Walke the Burangrang, Friday ( 9 / 12).

Use paint the douche to make a graffiti, have started recognized in New York, year-end 60-an. First streak with the paint spray, done/conducted at a cart subway. A so called of Taki which live in 183rd Street Washington Heights, always write down its name, don't know that in cart subway, or in exterior and in bus. Taki183, gitu of article sound which he make to use the spidol. This Taki like wishing nunjukkin of x'self identity. 183 which he write after its name, its nunjukkin residence.

its Gara-gara Streak, people of[is totality town become to recognize by Taki, pass the its[his] mysterious streak. In year 1971, this mister Taki is diinterview by a magazine of derivative of New York. From situlah, popular of Taki followed by children of entire/all New York. This Children is interested by because popular can be obtained only write down their identity -- is referred as also tagging-- at bus or cart which melewati city wide. More and more name or identity of a child, beyond question he will be popular progressively.

After spidol, later media commonly use is douche paint, weared for the nge-bomb of ( word used to denote spray the) cart exterior. Because more and more his/its is people who make the tagging, nope surprise if each;every writers, pengen have the style by xself. From there, they nambahin colour which eyecatching, special effect, even they try to write down its name is bigger. Constructively paint the douche, this workmanship graffiti is more cepet all right.

Hence itshis, to anticipate the tagging which start epidemic, side the local police prohibit the sale paint the douche of at underage children. Saking to the number of perpetrator graffiti, in Mexico is even also gone into effect by a similar order. Even, each;every buyer paint the douche have to show the clear identity and figure in the reason to what end paint that douche is used

" Make graffiti in that public space like having prestige by xself. Others adrenalin will be raced, is for fear of pursued by police or mobster," recall the Roy, what have ke-gap of is of equal mobster snugly make graffiti in public space. Yup. Always public space becoming target of all this public road actor for the berkreasi of. " Some people there is which nganggep graffiti as swan song, but nope a few/little also which spell out members if that streak oppositely;also ngerusak," word Radi, a artistic student paint the Faculty of Fine Arts and Desain ( FSRD) ITB

If this graffiti is done/conducted by without permit of place owner, this deed can be categorized by as action vandal. Possible a lot of among Youth which not yet what tau is meaning vandalisme. Vandalisme can be interpreted by as damage action of properti others. It Means, graffiti or magpie done/conducted by without permit in common/ public place, can be categorized by as vandalisme. Whereas, many people having a notion, if graffiti in road;street wall, still better than the wall dirty, do not terawat, and full of patching of flyers or brochure which is important nope

If Youth pass the Road;Street Siliwangi, eye felt fresher because ngeliat magpie alongside road;street wall, sure agree if such a swan song non inclusive of deed vandal. " Iyalah. Its Problem is magpie in that Siliwangi is legal of kok. Unrightious of Local government, about two last year, have that ngasih project make the us," word Yogie, what bareng Radi, become the the konseptor magpie making.

Magpie meaning painting of at wide surface, is it is true felt by more is legal compared to by graffiti which wild impressing. " The difference sih, possible only at its media is aja yes. If graffiti of a lot of pake paint the douche, whereas magpie make paint the wall. If nyeni or nope ithim yes, depended hard. Nope there is special parameter," continue Yogie.

Tone by Yogie, Roy even also spell out members if nicely or that bad relative. " sih, if will spell out members nicely or bad. Fill its articles, is possible spelled out members bad but oppositely;also keinget non-stoped by is of equal which read. But graffiti in my film Alexandria spell out members the bad, whereas others possible spell out members that nicely," explicitly Roy of is beside giving a lead.

or nope its his a masterpiece in public road, for Roy which also this grad FSRD, remain to be assessed by as a masterpiece. " In Jogja, legal graffiti magpie and oppositely;also. local government permi, even provide the farm to all street art have masterpiece. For a while in Bandung, not yet there is legal like that. its Story difference if lu have the money," he/she said a few/little igneous.

Displace as action vandal, graffiti, magpie, tagging, etcetera is represent the freedom have expression. But, freedom have expression to in this time still be predominated by clan have money, capable to buy the place to spill its creativity. For a while all public road actor, must stealth or oppositely;also compete one each others to chase one each others unrightiously is aparat just to creation. " Actor which clearly make masterpiece in privat place aja have time to be burned by police, and surely street art which have masterpiece to in public space," continue Roy.

Each;Every actor have the style of each to express its masterpiece. Hence its his, by dozens actor which oppositely;also " competing" to be able to create the good masterpiece in place more wide, for example, or to reach for popular. Besides rival, there is also process the study which is is alighted from by a actor pertained by a senior class to its junior person. " is new learn usually become the kenek first. Kerjaannya still limited to ngewarnain, or easy bantuin. As senior as, what make sketch in paper and in wall," say Roy.

Process to make the graffiti or magpie more or less is of equal. First, sketch made at paper, last later;then the sketch carried over by a wall. " easier of sih, the sketch udah " ditembakkin" pake projector, become nope require to make sketch in wall. But, yes, its prestige possible more descend if assisted by pake projector," word Roy again

Nope a few/little money which to make one graffiti or magpie. " To make picture in fairish wall of medium, can used up about twenty can paint the douche. For a while this ( garage distro which is being made by graffiti-red) abis 40an can," clear of Roy.

darling of Banget kan of if only useed up paint the douche for the article of which nope there is its meaning, or oppositely;also make the bell one who hard. Radi And Yogie even also have the similar opinion. " If will make the graffiti or magpie, all mending is which edun, than only article or picture which teu kaharti."he say.

Graffiti until when even also possible will become controversy. In one party will spell out members if that graffiti is deed vandal, but other party interpret the art, freedom have expression. Other;Dissimilar the things of in Yogyakarta, what is each;every free actor have masterpiece, governmental unrightious even also nope busy need of ngejar-ngejar actor which bandel. Masterpiece which nope make the eye pain, more ill will, of course will diapresiasi better by society. freedom have Expression to might possibly be weakened, but nope can be discontinued.*

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